Home Based Support

Home Based Support

Omeo District Health offers a range of support services provided in home and community locations that aim to assist frail aged people and younger people with disabilities to remain living independently in the community.

Services are delivered in a flexible way that reflects each client’s values and priorities. We endeavour to build on client’s strengths and capabilities and adopt a “Doing With, not Doing For” approach.

Home Care provides practical household assistance in duties such as: vacuuming, cleaning bathroom/toilet, washing and ironing, changing and making beds  

Community Transport assists in the transport needs of elderly, frail aged or disabled people. A pool of volunteer drivers take eligible clients to medical appointments both locally and regionally.  

Assistance with Meals. ODH assist frail older people and people with disabilities (and their carers) to live independently at home through provision of pre-prepared (frozen) meals. In some instances Home Support workers can attend the home and assist with the preparation of meals in the home environment.     

Personal Care offers assistance with personal activities of daily living such as: showering, bathing, dressing and undressing, toileting, grooming, monitoring of self medication, transport, mobility assistance and eating/drinking assistance.  

Home Maintenance/Home modifications provides a range of services aimed at supporting clients to live independently at home in a safe and accessible home environment. Tasks include: fitting grab rails to bathroom, toilet, showers and doorways; fitting hand rails to outside steps; construction of ramps, gutter cleaning and yard maintenance where there are issues for client safety and access.

Social Support Group provides opportunities for social interaction as well as respite and support for carers. The structured group activities aim to enhance participation in community life and social inclusion. Groups are conducted once a week from varied locations across the district and include a shared meal. (Formerly known as Planned Activity Group) 

Respite Care assists frail aged and people with disabilities to remain at home and in the community by providing carers, including parents, spouses and family members, with a break from their caring responsibilities. The service can be provided in the client’s home, in the community or a combination of both depending on the needs of the client and carer. It is available on a regular basis during week days and in some circumstances may be available after hours including weekends, overnight and emergency situations.

Referral to Services:

  • People under the age of 65 can access a referral to services by contacting Omeo District Health direct on ph 51590100

  • People over the age of 65 can access services by contacting the My Aged Care intake on ph: 1800 200 422, or make an online referral through the website: www.myagedcare.gov.au

Prior to commencement of services a holistic assessment in the clients’ home will be arranged by a qualified Home Support Assessor.
