Aged Care
Welcome to Lewington House
Lewington House at Omeo District Health (ODH) offers a unique and personalised residential aged care experience. Located in the heart of the beautiful High Country of Victoria, the facility is designed to homelike accommodation with spectacular views of the picturesque rolling mountains surrounding Omeo.
Our quality care
We pride ourself to offer the highest possible care to our residents.
This includes active involvement by residents and their families/carers in the evaluation of the care and continuous improvement of the services delivered, but also providing evidence-based information about treatment options and encouraging shared decision making throughout their care continuum.
We value all feedback and act with care and diligence to ensure our services meet our consumer expectation.
Hospitality services
Satisfy your taste buds with our nutritious home cooked meals, prepared on site daily by our inhouse cooks/chef using the freshest ingredients. All meals are designed to meet individual dietary requirements.
Leisure and Lifestyle
Enjoy a wide range of social and physical activities at your own pace. From regular outings, to art classes to exercise sessions, gardening, craft group, various outings and other activities designed to meet different interests, needs and mobility. Whatever your passion our social schedule will always have something of interest.
Accommodation features
4 Star Rating
Small (14 Beds) facility
Each room has its own ensuite, temperature control and access to TV and wifi.
Access to gardens, and other outdoor areas as well as an onsite hairdressing salon.
Health care services include an onsite GP practice, 24/7 registered nursing, visiting allied health professionals including physio, podiatry, access to a dental practice, specialist palliative care, pain management and many more.
Talk to us about your needs and interests so we can help you keep doing the things you love in a safe and caring environment.
Should you wish to discuss options for access to Lewington House contact Omeo District Health reception (Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm, Public Holidays may affect these hours) on (03) 5159 0100 or email
Application for Respite care or Permanent Entry to an Aged Care Home
Click here for the form.
Further information regarding the facility can be obtained from the MyAgedCare website.
Fees and Charges
A Brochure providing more details about the fees and charges applicable to Lewington House is now available, please click on link to view.
Our Reception team can also print the brochure for you, if you prefer.
If you wish to discuss options for fees and charges please contact our Director, Clinical Operations, Pru Hart or Aged Care Liaison Officer, Katie Van Heek on (03) 5159 0100.
There are a number of calculators available online to support you with different scenarios. For example My Aged Care calculator.
Daily Care has a user-friendly slider which can be accessed by clicking here and scroll down to Rooms and Pricing.

Lifestyle Program
The Lewington House Lifestyle Program aim is to stimulate positive experiences, that can enrich mental, physical and/or spiritual wellbeing. It helps make the later years of all our residents’ lives as meaningful and enjoyable as possible.
Our Lifestyle Coordinator ensures all residents’ feel welcome, comfortable and included, and have the opportunity to be involved in a range of activities.
Residents are encouraged to participate in activities, whilst recognising that participation is a matter of individual choice. For example, some residents may prefer to be actively involved whilst others may be comfortable observing various activities take part. Knowing that they are in the company of others, and included in conversation can be very comforting.
The Lewington House Lifestyle Program recognises that each person is a unique individual, and is respectful of individual personal needs of dignity, independence, choice, participation, self-esteem and life satisfaction. There are opportunities for individual or small group activities, addressing residents unique interests and needs.
The program provides planned (generally a month ahead) activities with focus on a relevant theme or topic related to the time of the year and/or other annual events.
Activities are offered in the morning and afternoon, catering for a range of interests and abilities. These can include: gentle exercises, art/craft, games, pet and sensory therapy, pamper/massage/meditation, literacy/poems/reading, trivia/quiz/puzzles, local excursions, student nurse/children interaction, High Country Men’s shed, music appreciation & sing-along, arm chair travel, cultural & traditional celebrations, spiritual & religion, special events & celebrations, and so much more.
A calendar of activities is displayed in Lewington House each month. In addition, residents’ receive a weekly news sheet providing information on the activities on offer and any news items that may arise.
The program is adapted regularly to ensure it remains current and responsive to residents interests and needs.
A ‘Residents, Family, and Friends’ (RFF) Meeting is held every three months. The forum provides residents, families and friends an opportunity to share, ask questions and discuss any suggestions or other matters of interest.