Child Safety
Omeo District Health Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
· Omeo District Health is committed to the health, safety, wellbeing and empowerment of all children and young people and has zero tolerance for child abuse.
· We are committed to providing a child-safe environment where the health of children and young people is promoted and where they are safe, feel safe, are encouraged to communicate their concerns, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their health and lives.
· We are committed to preventing child abuse and have processes in place to identify and respond to child abuse and to actively reduce risks.
· We are committed to providing training and education materials and resources to support and maintain the currency of the knowledge of our workforce.
· We value the role of families and carers in the lives of children and young people and have processes in place to involve them in decision-making and to support communications with them.
· Allegations of abuse and neglect and safety concerns will be treated seriously and consistently with our policies and procedures and legal obligations.
Please call the CEO or Director Clinical Operations on ph: 03 5159 0100 or email:
Alternatively, you could contact the Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP) directly
on 1300 782 978.