July 05, 2023
ODH are currently undertaking the engagement process for the development of our next Strategic Plan. The purpose of a Strategic Plan is to demonstrate:
What our role is in meeting the needs of our community
How we will meet the needs of our community
How we will work in partnership
How we will contribute towards system-wide goals, including addressing specific performance and policy priorities set by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments.
As a valued community member, the Omeo District Health Board of Directors would like to invite you to participate in the strategic plan development process. We would like to hear from everyone in our community about: what’s important to you when it comes to your health, and how can we help you with your health needs?
Engagement is underway and will conclude on the 31stJuly 2023 and includes a variety of ways to participate. You can:
· Complete a survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Omeocommunity
· Register for a phone interview between 17th – 27thJuly 2023, send your preferred interview date, time and contact number to Claire Edwards email: claire@taghealth.com.au or phone 0438 112 347
· Chat face to face in a variety of community locations between 29th– 31st July 2023 (specific locations will be advised in the near future)
Community member survey QR code: