May 06, 2024
Omeo District Health’s existing strategic plan expired last year. In developing its new strategic plan, Omeo District Health undertook a detailed environmental scan, extensive consultation with stakeholders and community, and held in-depth discussions involving the board of directors and executive team.
While the organisation’s purpose remains the same, the vision has been amended and the strategic priorities reduced from six to three and refined to focus on three core areas. The new strategic plan 2024 - 2027 has been endorsed by the Department of Health and is ready to be released.
You are invited to attend our community launch of our new Strategic Plan 2024 - 2027, you can find all the details below:
Please RSVP to Arielle Flannagan, preferably by the 20th May 2024.
Or, phone Main Reception on (03) 5159 0100.
A Microsoft Teams link could also be forwarded if required.